New Online Events: Zoom on Jerusalem

Covid-19 made us rethink the way we organize events and get creative. To fill the gap created by the suspension of events in Jerusalem and to connect with our supporters abroad, we established a new format: Zoom on Jerusalem. The interactive online event is aimed at shedding light on the various projects of the Willy Brandt Center, the daily life in Jerusalem and the political situation in Israel and Palestine.

On the first event, on April 26th, Project Manager Petra Klose presented the Art Hug Project and premiered the 18th hug by Dornbirn-based musician Lukas Schiemer. Petra also elaborated on the challenges for artists and culture in these times of pandemic, and Project Manager Tobias Pietsch shared his insights on life during lockdown in Jerusalem, illustrating these effects with pictures from the empty Old City of Jerusalem. In addition, the event offered a political examination and analysis of the formation of a new government.

The second Zoom event, on May 10th, focused on the effects of corona on the economy, unions and youth organizations. Project Manager Wiebke Warkentin elaborated on the ways in which her partner organizations in the educational project spent May 1st this year, and how the pandemic is affecting the work of the youth organizations. Members of the Political Team joined the Zoom to share their take on the economic situation in Israel and Palestine, and discuss the work of the unions, which has become even more important during this crisis. Tobias Pietsch explained the composition of the new government and its coalition treaty, including the controversial announcement of the annexation of parts of the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Wiebke and Tobias also showed photos of the various protests opposing the new government and its policies regarding the crisis, economic issues, labor rights, domestic violence and the planned annexation. The second Zoom on Jerusalem ended with a live view over the Old City of Jerusalem, while listening to the Ramadan Cannon, fired to mark the end of the fasting, followed by dozens of Muezzins.

As both sessions were very successful, enabling vital discussions in Q&A Sessions and an exchange between Jerusalem and our supporters abroad, we will continue this format soon.

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